Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Dylan Carter

PlayStation 4
When the Christmas of 2015 finally came around, I was really excited. As soon as I woke up in the morning, I remembered Christmas Eve and how fun it was for my family and I, but was still excited it was Christmas. That Christmas, the main thing I wanted was a PS4. I got up, extremely excited to see what I would get from the gifts. Thirty minutes later, I was up, opening presents. They started off simple, like clothes, for example, then slowly got better, escalating to books and even to a baseball-cross necklace.
After receiving many good gifts, even though none were a PS4, there was just one left. Then, I realized it was tiny, and after opening it I looked up with a confused face and held up the small post-it note. My father and step-mother told me to read it. It read, “You must look around, for this present you must find.” After looking for nearly forty-five minutes, with my dad following behind me, I asked him to open the car trunk. I looked inside, hoping to see a PS4, but it was an electric scooter, which I forgot I even asked for. Excited and disappointed at the same time, I was hoping to have better luck at my mom’s house.
While we were driving there, I told my dad about me hoping to get a PS4.
“Don’t get too excited,” he said, “you don’t want to get let down if you don’t get it.” Taking that into consideration, I was still excited. There were many huge presents when I arrived, so there were many chances to grant my wish. After my dad left and my brother showed up, and after many non-PS4 gifts, there was one left.
“Don’t get too disappointed,” they both said, sounding exactly sounding like my dad. Opening it, I saw a box for a cat tower we got for our cat a long time ago. Confused, I looked up, and they both were expressionless. Opening the cat’s tower, I saw a label that read “Xbox Games.” Even more confused, I tried to pull it out of the box, but it just ripped off. And, staring at me, was the logo “PS4.” I dropped the box, overwhelmed with excitement.
“Told you not to get too excited,” they said, “you might have messed it up!”

Immediately, I made my brother help me set it up, and I logged into my old PlayStation 3 online account. First thing, I joined my friend’s party and told them what happened. I spent the next two hours playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Later, we had to go to my aunt’s house. I wanted to enjoy it there, but I couldn’t stop thinking about my PS4. While we were there, though, I was having fun with some of my cousins. At first, we were playing tag, then we got into hide-‘n-seek. This was followed up with an extremely good home-cooked meal, which consisted of turkey, mashed potatoes, mac-and-cheese, and much more. After a couple of hours more of this, we eventually got back to the apartment and I played my PS4 until I had to go to bed, concluding one of the best days of my life.