Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Samuel Delaney

A Day at Castaway Cay with Family
The rays of the sun are shining down on me and I feel the sand shift between my toes as we arrive at Castaway Cay, Disney’s private island reserved for cruises. We hear the sound of the waves crashing into the shore as we walk down to the beach to set down our stuff so that we can begin to enjoy this beautiful day here at Disney’s Castaway Cay. Once we have set everything down my cousin and I decide to go down to the ocean and get in the water.
As we are out swimming around in the ocean my sister, Rachel, calls out to us, “Sam, Cam do you guys want to go snorkeling with us?”
I turn to my cousin, Cameron, to ask him if he wanted to go. We agree that to join my sister and the rest of our families to go snorkeling.
I call back to my sister, “Wait for us, we’re coming with you guys.”
Once my cousin and I catch up to the rest of our family we go get the equipment and head out into the water to start snorkeling. We swim around in the designated snorkeling section looking at all the fish swimming around in the ocean and the different things we find in the water. When we are done snorkeling we get out of the water and go return our snorkeling gear and return to our stuff and dry off. We start to get hungry so we decide to go eat at the island restaurant, Cookie’s Too Barbeque. We all load our plates with all the different foods that they have at the restaurant. Once we sit down we dig into the delicious food that we had piled high onto our plates. Between the barbeque, the macaroni and cheese, the ice cream, and the cookies, we eat everything that we have put on our plates. The barbeque cooked just the right way and the macaroni is loaded with cheese. We eat as much as we want before we move on to the cookies which are soft, moist, and oozing with chocolate. My cousin comes up with the idea to put ice cream in between two of the cookies to make an ice cream sandwich with nice soft cookies and soft served ice cream.
After we have finished eating and returned to our stuff my dad asks, “Who wants to go for a bike ride?”
Rachel and I reply, “Sure!”
My dad, Rachel, and I go to the bike rental and get bikes and set off on the bike path. As we ride along the path we feel a nice, cool, gentle breeze blow as we ride. When we are done with our ride we return our bikes and go back to the rest of our family. My sister and I have never played tetherball before so we decide to try it out. While we walk over to the tetherball pole we spot a ping pong table and shuffle board. We decide to go get our mom and Hannah because they both love playing ping pong. While Rachel and I play tetherball, my mom and Hannah play ping pong. After we finish playing tetherball, my mom and I decide to play shuffleboard. The sound of the pieces sliding across the ground and crashing into another piece to knock it out of the triangle of points means that I just put myself into a position to win the game. My mom slides her final piece across the board knowing that she has to either make it in the ten point part or knock one of mine out to prevent me from winning. Her piece hits the side of mine but does not have enough force to knock it out of the triangle, I won.
We return to the beach and we all go to get in the ocean, my mom and sisters get on floats while my dad and I decide to swim a little bit. When we get out of the ocean and return to our chairs and towels to dry off. We decide to pack our things up and head back to the boat. As we walk back to the cruise ship, we all talk about all the fun we had today at Castaway Cay. Once have boarded the ship again and return to our room to put down our stuff and get cleaned up. We look back on how much fun we had after a long and exciting day at Disney’s Castaway Cay.