Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Wilson Shi-Wang

My first view of America….

It was the middle of an uneventful nine-ten hour flight, when I looked out the window and saw my future home, the United States of America.  I thought to myself, “What is this place? This looks nothing like home. This place looks kind of scary.”  What I didn’t know was that I was looking at the jagged coastline of California.  With the Pacific Ocean hitting the coastline making sea spray, I thought about the strong smell of the sea and sea salt on the jagged coastline.  I also felt excitement because I know this is the land of opportunity.  An hour later, I saw a humongous plain with a few houses that dotted the surface.  At this point in my flight, I was so bored after seeing barely anything that I started watching a Disney movie, then I realized that I was watching Mulan, how fitting.  It’s funny how the both of us are out of our own element as you might say.  When I landed in New York, I was shocked that the traffic was that busy, and I came from a rural area in China, so when I saw all those cars, I thought everyone was rich in America.


  1. This is a great story Wilson! I love that you wrote about this because it was such a huge moment in your life that effects your life today. Keep up the good work wilson

  2. Beautiful story, Wilson. Little too short, though.

  3. Sweet story Wilson, its really cool that you came to america! That was a funny part about landing in New York.
