Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Jack Green

Soccer’s Great Impact
            An important life changing moment in my life was at about the age of 4 when I played on my first soccer team. Soccer is my favorite sport to play ever since I first touched the game, and I have went on to travel soccer since about the age of 9. It’s just the “WOOSH!” sound the ball makes when it hits the back of the net, and the fans erupting with joy to celebrate the goal. The great games where both teams are just dying to score at the end. Although I played basketball and baseball throughout my life none had an effect like soccer. Soccer is now something I’m very committed to as I sometimes travel over 4 hours to play a single game sometimes. The team also practices three hours a week for an hour and half plus a thirty minute drive each way. In this you will find why soccer has had such a big effect in my social and athletic life.
            Around the age 4-8 I played Recreational Soccer where I enjoyed it, but I wanted more soccer. I then went to tryout at Valley AFC U11 and played for two years as I played the same age group again. I then went to Roanoke Star hoping to make the team for the U12. I made the team which made the commitment a lot more than it was as I had to travel more for games, and practice three times a week instead of two. I still play for Roanoke Star this day. One of the best parts about playing soccer is my teammates, it is a good place to meet new friends from different schools and areas. They are basically another set of friends that are all really chill. This would not be possible without my parents as they have to do an hour to driving for practices, and we sometimes have to get a hotel overnight just to play a game that’s early and far away. My parents also pay for my travel soccer which is a very big commitment for me and my parents as there are no refunds so I have to play the entire season, but it’s not like I wouldn’t want to play anyways. I have improved a lot throughout the years I’ve played and wish to continue my soccer career all the way through high school. I probably won’t play in college because I want to go to a Division One school, and I’m not good enough to do so. Although, I will probably continue to play after college for fun due to how fun the sport is.

            This was a life changing moment in my life because it is now something I’m now very committed to, and is where I spend at least 6 hours a week practicing or playing. Soccer is one of my favorite things to do at any time of the year. I play year from travel, indoor, school, and summer camps because I love the sport so much. Without me joining my first soccer team I would have never been introduced to the sport nor fell in love with it. If there is any advice I would give it would be try something different you may or may not like it, but it still is a good experience, and you could really love the sport or whatever it is and it could be a big part of your life. For example, I didn’t want to play basketball when I was six and my parents wanted me to try it for one year. I tried it out, and I actually really liked it, and almost played travel for a year. I still play Rec basketball to this day. Another sport I played was baseball, baseball was another sport I tried, and played until about 11 because of travel soccer in the spring. I’m sure if I tried other sports too I would enjoy them a lot. So try  something different that you haven’t done before.


  1. You look like an exotic weapon in that picture, and no, I'm not making an animadversion, I'm complementing your beautiful face with celerity.

  2. Great story! You seem like you really enjoy playing soccer!!

  3. Do you play soccer? Does your sister drive you to your games?
