Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Shiann Mathis

When My Little Brother was born
            I had just got home from a long, tiring day of third grade. It was a daily routine for me to ride the bus in the afternoon.  As always the first thing I did once my little feet hit the hardwood floors of my dining room was throw my book bag onto the love seat and run downstairs to tell my mom about my school day, but this time my mom had exciting news to tell me.
“Shiann, I have something to tell you” said my mom. I was curious to know what my mom needed to tell me. I began to think of all the possibilities, could it be that I was moving? Or that I was going to be a big sister? My mom proceeded to tell, “You are going to be a big sister.” I was so excited! Even though I had always been the only child I couldn’t wait to meet my little sibling.
“Are you tricking me?” I asked as I began to cry tears of joy.
“No. You are going to be a big sister.” She repeated herself.
I began to think to myself, what if it’s a girl? What am I going to teach here? Or What if it’s a boy? How are we going to get along? I thought to myself for the longest time. I thought of all the good and bad things I could get out of not being the only child anymore. At the time, I knew I wouldn’t be old enough to babysit him, so that was one good outcome of having another child in the house while I was young. Then, I thought of the bad outcomes, it won’t always be about me anymore, and I knew that as time passed he/she would began to annoy me.
I started to ask my mom all kinds of questions, “Mommy, when will you know if it’s a boy or girl? When will you have it?”
Her only response was “It will be awhile before we know anything specific.”
            So, I went on up to my room to watch one of my favorite childhood shows called Zoey 101. It was about 6 o’clock and I was just about to start my homework, then I heard my step-dad talking on the phone downstairs, so I ran down there to tell him how my day went and everything I learned and did at school. Then, I told him how happy I was to be a big sister.
“Davie, I’m going to be a big sister!” I shouted.
“I know. Are you excited?” he asked.
“Yes! I want a baby brother, if it’s a girl I don’t want it.”
He laughed and said “Well, let’s hope it’s a boy.”
My stepdad and I walked downstairs to sit with my mom. She was laying on the couch with my dog laying at her feet. She was watching one of her favorite shows, Teen Mom 2. As soon as my step dad changed out of his work clothes and sat in his recliner, where he spends most of his time watching TV, he began to tell my mom how his day was at work and showed her pictures of the jobs he finished that day.
A few months later, my Mom went to the doctor to get her sonogram on the baby, and that was also the day we found out that she was having a boy. Once we left the doctors’ office we all started to think of boy names for my little brother. It took us almost two weeks to decide on a name, but we finally decided on Dawson, which means David’s son, and my stepdad’s name is David. As the days went by it was starting to get closer to the due date for my little brother, and my mom and stepdad had yet to find a middle name for my little brother. So, of course, that was another long decision that took them days to figure out, but eventually they decided on Riley.
It was a few days after my little brothers due date and he still hasn’t come yet. Until, the next day my mom was having contractions, and eventually she went into labor, so my stepdad took her to the hospital. She was in labor for six hours before Dawson came. Dawson was born on July 15, 2010, weighing ten pounds and two ounces. He definitely a big baby. His belly was as round as a basketball, and his head was as shiny as an old man’s head after he shaved. He was a few days old before I ever got to meet him, but when I did finally get to meet him I was so happy. I remember sitting in the hospital bed and holding him. That same day, I asked my stepdad to take me to the gift shop on the first floor of the hospital because I wanted to buy my little brother his first stuffed animal.
It was finally time to take Dawson home. When we got home my dogs were going crazy. They were licking him to death. I used to always sit on the couch with Dawson, and make silly faces at him just to see him smile and hear him laugh. He also loved sitting in his baby swing. He spent most of his time in my mom’s arms though. She was constantly holding him, but I can’t say much because every chance I got I would hold him.
Now, he is six years old and even though he gets on my nerves sometimes I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world. He means so much to me, and we have a bond that can never be broken. Dawson and I spend so much time together and we already have made so many memories and he’s only been in my life for six years, and I can’t wait to make many more memories. I can’t begin to think about my life without him.
Having a little brother wasn’t so bad after all. Even though I never thought that I’d want another child in the house, I’m glad I do because during the long, hot, and humid summer days he gives me entertainment and keeps me on my feet. The message I am trying to get to you, the reader, is that just when you think you have a good life and enjoy being the only child try having a  little sibling because they will definitely make things much more fun when you’re bored out of your mind and have nothing else to do.